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775 Popular Crime Movie Poster Search Results

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Item #: 12992
Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop. Directed by: Milestone, Lewis.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC#3)  VG-FINE, U.S.
Item #: 12993
Frank Sinatra, Angie Dickinson. Directed by: Milestone, Lewis.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC#2)  NM, U.S.
Item #: 12994
Sammy Davis Jr. Directed by: Milestone, Lewis.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC#1)  FINE, U.S.
Item #: 8319
Harry Belafonte, Robert Ryan, Shelley Winters, Gloria Grahame. Directed by: Wise, Robert.
3-Sheet , 41x81  VG, U.S.
Item #: 11190
Alfonso Mejia, Roberto Cobo. Special B.F.I. limited re-release poster. Directed by: Bunuel, Luis.
Quad. 30x40  NM, unfolded, BRITISH
Item #: 8137
Lee J. Cobb, Fred Gwynne. Directed by: Kazan, Elia.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC)  VG-FINE, U.S.
Item #: 20855
Marlon Brando, Eva Marie Saint, Karl Malden, Lee J. Cobb, Rod Steiger. Directed by: Kazan, Elia.
1-Sheet , 27x41  FINE, unfolded, U.S.
Item #: 20877
Marlon Brando delivers his famous Coulda been a contendor speech to Rod Steiger. Directed by: Kazan, Elia.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC)  VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 2503
Robert DeNiro, James Woods, Eliz. McGovern, Joe Pesci. Directed by: Leone, Sergio.
1-Sheet , 27x41  FINE-NM, U.S.
Item #: 23227
Robert DeNiro, James Woods, Elizabeth McGovern, Joe Pesci. Directed by: Leone, Sergio.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (set of 8)  VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 21602
Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie. Directed by: Tarantino, Quentin.
1-Sheet , 27x40. Advance. Double-sided  NM, unfolded, U.S.
Item #: 21603
Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie. Directed by: Tarantino, Quentin.
1-Sheet , 27x40. Advance. Double-sided  NM, unfolded, U.S.
Item #: 7406
Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke. Directed by: Rodriguez, Robert.
British Quad , 30x40 double-sided  NM, unfolded., BRITISH
Item #: 14774
Cleo Moore, Hugo Haas. Directed by: Haas, Hugo.
1-Sheet , 27x41  FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 7359
Liv Tyler, Matt Dillon, John Goodman, Paul Reiser. Directed by: Zwart, Harald.
1-Sheet , 27x40  NM, unfolded, U.S.
Item #: 10751
Liv Tyler, Matt Dillon, John Goodman, Paul Reiser. Directed by: Zwart, Harald.
1-Sheet , 27x40. Advance  NM, unfolded, U.S.
Item #: 21438
Robert Mitchum, Virginia Huston. Directed by: Tourneur, Jacques.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC#7)  FINE-VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 21439
Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas. The only card in the set to feature Douglas. Directed by: Tourneur, Jacques.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC#8)  FINE-VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 23410
Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas. Directed by: Tourneur, Jacques.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 308
C. T. Howell, M. Dillon, R. Macchio, P. Swayze, T. Cruise. Directed by: Coppola, Francis.
1-Sheet , 27x41  FINE-NM, U.S.
Pages:  First2021222324, 25, 26272829MoreLast