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Hours: 11am-6pm, Tuesday - Saturday

558 Popular Movie Poster Search Results

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Item #: 9309
Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. Directed by: Hill, George Roy.
1-Sheet , 27x41 Style B  FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 10214
Paul Newman, Robert Redford. Directed by: Hill, George Roy.
Still , 10x14  NM, U.S.
Item #: 13607
Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. Directed by: Hill, George Roy. Art by Waldemar Swierzy.
1-Sheet , 26x38  FINE, unfolded, POLISH
Item #: 13608
Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. Directed by: Hill, George Roy. Art by Andrzej Pagowski.
1-Sheet , 26x38  FINE, unfolded, POLISH
Item #: 13611
Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. Directed by: Hill, George Roy.
20x29  FINE-NM, unfolded, JAPANESE
Item #: 23374
Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. Directed by: Hill, George Roy.
1-Sheet , 27x41. Style B  VG, U.S.
Item #: 23375
Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. Directed by: Hill, George Roy.
1-Sheet , 27x41. Style B  FINE, U.S.
Item #: 22466
Western with 10-year-old child actor Robert Buzz Henry, Dave O'Brien, Dorothy Short. Directed by: Kahn, Richard.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (TC)  FINE, U.S.
Item #: 13103
Gold Rush era California with Neva Gerber, Edmund Cobb, Charles Brinley as John Sutter. Directed by: Jaccard, Jacques.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (set of 8)  VG-FINE, U.S.
Item #: 22246
Jack London adventure with Clark Gable, signed by Loretta Young. Directed by: Wellman, William.
Insert , 14x36  FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 9477
Double-feature western comedy with Jane Fonda, Lee Marvin, Michael Callan, Denholm Elliott. Directed by: Silverstein, Elliot. Winner, Michael.
British Quad , 30x40  VG-FINE, BRITISH
Item #: 9472
Guy Madison, Frank Lovejoy, Vera Miles in Warner Bros' second 3-D feature. Directed by: Douglas, Gordon.
3-Sheet , 41x81  FAIR-GOOD, U.S.
Item #: 9473
Guy Madison, Frank Lovejoy, Vera Miles in Warner Bros' second 3-D feature. Directed by: Douglas, Gordon.
1-Sheet , 27x41  FINE-NM, U.S.
Item #: 15389
Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyman, Janis Paige, Bruce Bennett. Directed by: Walsh, Raoul.
Daybill. 13x30  FINE-NM, AUSTRALIAN
Item #: 22971
Tom Tyler, Lucille Brown, Creighton (Lon) Chaney. Directed by: Hill, Bob.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (TC)  FINE, U.S.
CHINO (1973)
Item #: 2185
Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland. Directed by: Sturges, John.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VG-FINE, U.S.
Item #: 13676
Tom Mix, Natalia Joyce. Directed by: Stoloff, Ben.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC)  FINE-NM, U.S.
Item #: 21256
Stone litho for Tim McCoy western. Directed by: James, Alan.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 11934
Western serial with Jock Mahoney, Dickie Moore. Directed by: Bennet, Spencer.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (SC)  FINE-NM, U.S.
Item #: 11935
Western serial with Jock Mahoney, Dickie Moore. Directed by: Bennet, Spencer.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (TC)  FINE-NM, U.S.
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