Huntington NY 11743
Phone: 631 421-7203
Hours: 11am-6pm, Tuesday - Saturday

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Item #: 23377
Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, Adolfo Celi. Directed by: Young, Terence. Art by Robert McGinnis.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VG-FINE, U.S.
Item #: 23378
Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, Adolfo Celi. A completely unused example. Directed by: Young, Terence. Art by Robert McGinnis.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE-NM, U.S.
Item #: 23397
Sean Connery as James Bond. LOOK UP. Directed by: Young, Terence. Art by Frank McCarthy.
Subway. 45x60  FINE-VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 23355
Cary Grant, Grace Kelly. Directed by: Hitchcock, Alfred.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 23312
Humphrey Bogart, Barbara Stanwyck, Alexis Smith, Nigel Bruce. Directed by: Godfrey, Peter.
Half-sheet , 22x28. Style A  FINE, paperbacked, U.S.
Item #: 23300
Roger Corman AIP Horror with Allison Hayes, Pamela Duncan, Richard Garland. Directed by: Corman, Roger.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 23347
Clever cross-promotional recruitment poster for VISTA playing off references to The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman. Directed by: Nichols, Mike.
18x24  VERY FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 23314
Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin. Directed by: Crichton, Michael.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VG, U.S.
Item #: 23387
Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin. Directed by: Crichton, Michael.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 23313
Eddie Rochester Anderson, Ann Miller, Freddy Martin. Directed by: Barton, Charles.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VG, U.S.
Item #: 23342
Fritz Lang noir with Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett, Dan Duryea. Directed by: Lang, Fritz.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VG-FINE, U.S.
Item #: 23399
Sean Connery as James Bond Agent 007. Directed by: Gilbert, Lewis. Art by Robert McGinnis.
1-Sheet , 27x41. Style A  FINE-VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 23400
Sean Connery as James Bond. Directed by: Gilbert, Lewis. Art by Frank McCarthy.
Quad. 30x40. Style A  VERY FINE, U.S.
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