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699 Popular Sci-Fi Movie Poster Search Results

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Item #: 11755
Kubrick masterpiece with Keir Dullea. Directed by: Kubrick, Stanley. Art by Robert McCall.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 17150
Extremely rare rolled "starchild" Wild Posting 1-sheet for Kubrick masterpiece. Directed by: Kubrick, Stanley.
1-Sheet , 27x41  FINE-NM, unfolded, U.S.
Item #: 19446
Keir Dullea. Directed by: Kubrick, Stanley.
1-Sheet , 27x41 (starchild)  FINE-NM, U.S.
Item #: 19775
British Double Crown for Kubrick space masterpiece. Directed by: Kubrick, Stanley.
20x30  FINE, linenbacked, BRITISH
Item #: 22497
Keir Dullea. Directed by: Kubrick, Stanley.
1-Sheet , 27x41 (starchild)  VG-FINE, U.S.
Item #: 22930
Original Cinerama color still for Stanley Kubrick space masterpiece. Directed by: Kubrick, Stanley. Art by Robert McCall.
Still , 8x10  VERY FINE, BRITISH
Item #: 22943
Country-of-Origin poster for Stanley Kubrick space masterpiece. Directed by: Kubrick, Stanley.
Quad. 30x40  VG-FINE, BRITISH
27TH DAY, THE (1957)
Item #: 21003
Alien Science Fiction with Gene Barry, Valerie French. Directed by: Asher, William.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (TC)  VERY FINE, U.S.
Item #: 4123
Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor. Directed by: Spielberg, Steven.
1-Sheet , 27x41 Advance  NM, unfolded, U.S.
ALIEN (1979)
Item #: 17143
Scarce Advance poster. Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Tom Skerritt. Directed by: Scott, Ridley.
1-Sheet , 27x41. Advance  FINE-NM, unfolded, U.S.
ALIEN (1979)
Item #: 22480
Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Tom Skerritt. Directed by: Scott, Ridley.
Half-sheet , 22x28  FINE, unfolded, U.S.
ALIEN (1979)
Item #: 22387
Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Tom Skerritt. Directed by: Scott, Ridley.
1-Sheet , 27x41  NM, tri-folded, U.S.
ALIEN (1979)
Item #: 23199
Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Tom Skerritt. Directed by: Scott, Ridley.
1-Sheet , 27x41  VERY FINE, linenbacked, U.S.
Item #: 845
Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton. Directed by: Fincher, David.
1-Sheet , 27x40  VERY FINE, unfolded, U.S.
Item #: 5987
Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton. Directed by: Fincher, David.
Bus Shelter. 45x68  VG, unfolded, U.S.
ALIENS (1986)
Item #: 11976
Sigourney Weaver. Directed by: Cameron, James.
Lobby Card  (11x14) , (Set of 8 - 1 shown)  FINE-NM, U.S.
ALIENS (1986)
Item #: 13864
Sigourney Weaver. Scarce International style. Directed by: Cameron, James.
1-Sheet , 27x41. Intl  FINE-NM, U.S.
ALIENS (1986)
Item #: 22341
Sigourney Weaver. Directed by: Cameron, James.
1-Sheet , 23x33  VERY FINE, GERMAN
Item #: 12593
Eddie Constantine, Anna Karina. Directed by: Godard, Jean-Luc.
20x29  FINE-NM, unfolded, JAPANESE
Item #: 6
William Hurt. Directed by: Russell, Ken.
1-Sheet , 25x39 Copper Foil  FINE-NM, unfolded, U.S.
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